Install and Configure PHP-FPM (Centos9 doesn't support older than 7.4)


am not able to continue the task as it requires php-fpm 7.3 and since we’re now on centos9 it is not supported as centos9 supports only 7.4 and newer

when trying to add remi release 7 it shows the following

the task is completed as the following

but ofcourse the task fails as it shows that the php-fpm version is not correct

Thanks for the detailed description of the issue. I’ve notified our lab team; IMNSHO, we should default to some version of PHP 8; even 7.4 is very old.

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Perfect, thank you.

i’ll skip that task for now since i couldn’t do any other task before it being completed.

also for your info, i submitted a feedback using userback #3894201 (if that may need to be linked)

Hi @ahmed.elhifni1411,

The team has fixed the issue. Please try again and share the feedback.


Hello @Tej-Singh-Rana ,

i tried yesterday and it asked me to work with php 7.4 and i was able to finish the task.

thank you so much for your help and support.