In the lab environment if I do a describe on sa. I get output like this: ``` co . . .

In the lab environment if I do a describe on sa. I get output like this:

controlplane ~ ➜  k describe sa dev
Name:                dev
Namespace:           default
Labels:              <none>
Annotations:         <none>
Image pull secrets:  <none>
Mountable secrets:   <none>
Tokens:              <none>
Events:              <none>

and when I do describe on sa in my cluster I get this. I don’t understand why tokens are showing up for my sa.

Name:                dashboard
Namespace:           default
Labels:              <none>
Annotations:         <none>
Image pull secrets:  <none>
Mountable secrets:   dashboard-token-nm867
Tokens:              dashboard-token-nm867
Events:              <none>

As per @Mumshad Mannambeth with the new versions of k8s we have to create the tokens using k create token <sa-name> command like this. Can someone help me understand this?

@Trung Tran @unnivkn @Alistair Mackay @Awantika Nigam

Hi @Chandu please go through this:

Alistair Mackay:
Hi @Chandu

What kuberbetes version is your test cluster running? If it is less than v1.24, then it will generate a secret when you create a SA.
The lab is running 1.24 so will instead mount a projected volume in the pod.

Thank you @Alistair Mackay