In Lab, unable to create a policy for s3 bucket

After creating a s3 bucket, trying to create a policy for “Allow-Get-object” & “deny-put-object” for publicly accessible bucket, but the policy is not creating and throwing an error

ERROR : Your bucket policy changes can’t be saved

You either don’t have permissions to edit the bucket policy, or your bucket policy grants a level of public access that conflicts with your Block Public Access settings. To edit a bucket policy, you need the s3:PutBucketPolicy permission. To review which Block Public Access settings are turned on, view your account and bucket settings. Learn more about Identity and access management in Amazon S3

what is the solution for this ?

Which lab is this? Could you please give me a link to the lab in question?

Its in Cloud (AWS) Level 2, Task no 9 - Setting Up a Public S3 Bucket with Download-Only Access.

Even I am facing this problem in playground. Did you find any solution?

not found any solution, but I think its bug from their side and hope they will fix it soon.