If there is a use-case to route 30% traffic to Canary Pods, what is the way to a . .

If there is a use-case to route 30% traffic to Canary Pods, what is the way to achieve this? Do we have to use Ingress Controller in exams for such use cases?

Hi @Andrew please go through this… you may get some idea: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/kubernetes-canary-deployments

gurunath choukekar:
Do we get questions like this in CKAD exam?

Alistair Mackay:
Hi. The only way you can get a guaranteed exact traffic ratio irrespective of numbers of pods in your deployments is by the use of add-in software like Istio, which is outside the scope of the exam.

On pure K8s, it is achieved as described above and is based on the ratio of the number of pods in two deployments being fronted by a single service - thus you would need a lot of pods to achieve exact percentages, e.g. for 30% you would need 7 pods in v1 deployment and 3 in v2 deployment.

The exam would only ever test you on what is achievable using k8s with no add-ins.

Thank you very much if someone could advise me on:
in a use-case with 20 pods in the node but there are only 10 replicas in the existing deployment and we want to route 30 % of traffic to Canary deployments, should I change the replica count of the existing pod to 14 and create a Canary deployment with 6 replicas or I can not?
my question is how in the scenario, it is said there are 20 pods but in replica count in the deployment there are only 10 replicas, and how to achieve routing 30% traffic in this use case? Thank you very much if someone could advise me on how to achieve this.