I wish the forums were organized by courses like they are on udemy

I’d like to be able to get to a course specific forum with admin help like one can on Udemy.

Hi @rehdwolfe,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We appreciate your feedback. While our forum may have a different structure than Udemy’s, we do have designated categories for each course on the KodeKloud platform. This allows you to navigate to course-specific discussions and receive admin help. Feel free to explore these categories and use associated tags for a more streamlined experience. Let us know if there’s anything specific you’re looking for, and we’ll do our best to assist you!


How do I get to those categories? Seems a bit free-for-all. I’d like to be able to go to something like CKA , Lecture 7 and post a question about the specific issue or know that I’ve read through the relevant posts before asking a question.

It seems, and maybe I’m missing something, I have to scroll a bunch through unrelated stuff on kodekloud and am less certain I’ve searched enough when looking for answers.

I own the course on Udemy obviously and could ask there if it is that big a deal to me but I’d like to get more in sync with the ‘way of the kodekloud’. :slight_smile: