I want to establish the ssh from ansible server to minikube server, after transf . . .

Phát Cao:
I want to establish the ssh from ansible server to minikube server, after transfer key i can’t edit /etc/ansible/hosts to add inventory. Please help me solve this error

Al West:
Does /etc/ansible/ exist?

Phát Cao:
do i need to create the ansible folder and then hosts file? I though they’re auto created after install ansible

Al West:
I think if you install with the os package manager the ansible directory is created, but if you install with pip3 it is not.

Phát Cao:
this is the sh file that i use to install ansible:
#! /bin/bash

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y

sudo apt update -y

sudo apt install ansible -y

Do i need to reinstall ansible now?

Al West:
Just create the directory

Phát Cao:
it’s work, Thank you so much