I think this is a Bug report

Hi kodekloud Team:

It seems there is an issue when you are afk for a while ( like 30 min) and try to do again labs. Today I have 2 times when I was afk for a while and then when I go to do labs in the course platform, it shows me an error saying that my account subscription doesn’t allow that feature. After re login again I can do the lab. Yesterday also happen. Hope this help in you troubleshooting.


You can only run one lab at a time. I think if then the window closes but the lab is still running you will get an error that you cannot start another lab and you will be invited to end it.

hi @al1

This happen to me when all my labs are closed, I don’t think that the lab process stays like 30 minutes after I closed. All the instances of this issue happens in the same context.

If you close the lab and don’t select “End Lab” it will continue running. Next time you have this issue please paste a screenshot here.

Okey, I’ll do that if happens again.
