Ioannis Angelakopoulos:
I succeeded in my first attempt with a score of: 99
The course and| docs are enough. Thanks @Mumshad Mannambeth!!!
• Do the practice tests, mocks(at least twice) and
◦ use your own bookmarks created as you go through the course and especially as you find the solutions to the above tests
◦ try to organise somehow the bookmarks
• Create a cluster with ubuntu 18.04 with vagrant using 3 nodes: 1 master and 2 workers
◦ practice installing and upgrading with kubeadm
◦ become familiar with kubectl run | create | edit | expose
--dry-run=client -o yaml
when creating and --grace-period 0 --force
when deleting are huge time-savers
◦ Install metrics-server
and play with kubectl top pod|node
◦ everything from the above tests, you fail or not comfortable, practice it in your own cluster
• familiarity(not proficiency) with bash
, vim
and grep
• familiarity(not proficiency) with systemd
• knowledge of linux file/folder permissions
• read the questions carefully and always remember to create the resources in the correct namespace
• Kubernetes the Hard Way
Good to have knowledge (not required)
• tmux
• awk
• sed
For proficient linux users wanting to finish below the 1 hour mark:
Use tmux
using the default settings and with 2 panes split vertically: one to be used for the control
node in which you create files and access all the clusters with kubectl and one to be used to login to other nodes and/or watch
for resources.
Run CTRL-b :
and apply set mouse on
to enable mouse support. Select with the mouse (from inside tmux) and paste with CTRL-b ]
Use the shortcut: CTRL-b z
to maximise/minimise panes.
In the second pane that you use to login to other nodes, remember ALWAYS to exit when moving to a new question.
When copy/pasting the kubectl config
in each question do it in BOTH panes.
my .bashrc
source <(kubectl completion bash)
alias k=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl k
alias kga="kubectl get all"
alias kgaa="kubectl get all -A"
alias kgs="kubectl get all -n kube-system"
alias kwa="watch kubectl get all"
alias kws="watch kubectl get all -n kube-system"
export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"
export fo="--grace-period 0 --force"
my .vimrc
set ts=2
set sts=2
set sw=2
set expandtab
syntax on
filetype indent plugin on
set nu rnu
set nowrap
set paste