HI, suddenly I see only 5 mock exams instead of 10 in CKA mock exam series. Yesterday it was all fine and they were 10. whats happening? Any Idea?
Hello, I noticed the same thing this morning. It looks like the mock exams have changed significantly.
Looks like they are no longer randomly generated questions from a bank like it was before. Each exam seems to have a specific set of questions that is the same every time you launch the practice exam.
I was looking for an official response on the changes when I came across your question. Hopefully we get a response soon.
We are informed that the lab team are making changes to the mock exam format. The extent of these, we don’t know yet.
yes, they are no more being randomly generated. Also, there are some bugs. I am unable to complete the solution on the terminal, even after I know it. Also, I cross checked with the solution given at the end of the exam. Still couldnt finish it on the terminal due to some bugs.
Now that the questions are no longer randomized (as we presume), we can find your issue and look at it directly. Which exam and which question number has the problem?
on Mock exam 2, question 7 and question 19 (where etcdctl isnt working)
There is no Q19 in UME #2 – only 17 questions in all. Are you sure about (1) the lab for that, and (2) the question number.
Q7 is definitely FUBAR; I’ve raised a ticket.
I was in a middle of a course [after I paid for a month of usage ] of “ultimate-certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka-mock-exam-series” and I was in the middle of mock exam #9 [out of 10]
I’ve restarted my pc and logged into the same course, but I now I can see only 5 MOCK exams…
Are these new 5 mock exams which are replacing the old 10 mock exams are sufficient enough to get properly prepared for the exam?
As far as I know, they offer the same 100 or so questions as before, although there could be some new ones. The difference is that the 5 exams are not randomized, so you can be sure that if you do all 5 exams, you’ve hit all of the available questions. We had 10 exams in the randomized version because that made it highly probable that you’d hit all of the questions – given how randomness works, this was not 100% assured.
So the new setup covers the same material. In addition, it’s easier for you to get your questions answers about the exams, since you know exactly how to get the same exam question twice. This was difficult to do when for you when the questions came up randomly, and it was difficult for the folks supporting you because we needed a special version of the exam that was not randomized, and was a PITA to use.
It’s clear now- Thanks for your prompt support.
Sorry, It is Q16 on mock exam 2.
It’s not clear if the absence of etcdctl was intended or not. I’ve raised a ticket with our lab team. In any event, you can install etcdctl on cluster4-controlplane by doing
apt update
apt install etcd-client
Thank you. But usually, in the CKA exam, etcdctl could be preinstalled or not. any idea?
etcdctl would typically be installed in any exam cluster that requires it.