I have a question regarding nodes. How can I create a pod definition yaml file a . . .

Lokesh Sinha:
I have a question regarding nodes.
How can I create a pod definition yaml file and place it directly to a specific node under /tmp/pods dir?
Also how can I read a pod definition file from a specific node from /tmp/pods dir?
Is summary of a pod and definition of a pod the same thing?

chris resnik:
> Is summary of a pod and definition of a pod the same thing?
no, these are different things

Shrikanth Rajgopalan:
once you apply a manifest using kubectl , the k8s master will create the pod on any of the worker nodes on your cluster (whichever has the available resources)


Lokesh Sinha:
@chris resnik
What is the difference between summary and definition of a pod?

chris resnik:

chris resnik:
more or less the same, I guess. you can use the definition file to create a pod, the summary contains additional details (creation time, etc.) but can also be used to create a pod. typically, you create definition files because they contain the bare minimum to create pods
wait, your question looked different before

chris resnik:
i thought it was asking about the difference between a node and a pod

chris resnik:
did you edit the question?

Lokesh Sinha:
ok, no. If some asked me to store he summary of a pod into a json file. Is it the same as
kubectl get pod -o json > pod.json

Lokesh Sinha:
I did not edit the question.

there is noting called summary in a pod. May be "k describe pod " you can call it as summary & "k get po -o yaml " as definition