I do feel this is important : command like kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --f . . .

Laslo Pastor:
I do feel this is important :
command like
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector status.phase!=Running
will give you info about pods that not running but not if allication in it is ready…
so you add readiness probe
Question :
How quickly I can get info about readiness failure on all pods ?

as of now the only way is to go over events like :
k get events | grep ‘Readiness probe failed*’

new question : is k events go over all namespaces or not ?

Mohamed Ayman:
Yes ,You can use that go all namespaces
$ kubectl get events —all-namespaces

Mohamed Ayman:
You can use this command to verify liveness probes and know if there is a failure
$ Kubectl describe pod

Laslo Pastor:
thanks , but as I though … get event is namespace specific … you need to add --all-namespces to get it all

Mohamed Ayman: