I could not find the Kubernetes link for installing the weave-net CNI plugin, it . . .

I could not find the Kubernetes link for installing the weave-net CNI plugin, it looks like the one shown in the lab is changed in the original kubernetes documentation. Thanks

Hi @Anil, you can search in kubernetes documentation page - “Installing Addons” and select installing addons. Open it and look for the appropriate add-on you would like it install.

@AK I think you did not get me properly here, When I clicked on let say Weave Net and it takes me to their website which is not allowed in the exam. so in short, where I can see the below "

kubectl apply -f "<https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl> version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

within kubernetes documentation

@Mumshad Mannambeth @Tej_Singh_Rana @Rahul Soni… please guide on the query asked… How can we install if details are not mentioned in kubernetes documentation page.

@AK found it here : https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/high-availability/