I am unable to create GKE cluster

I am creating a GKE cluster using kodekloud playground in uswest1 and central1 . when creating nodes in regional it is creating 1 extra nodes in all region which not allowing by GCP throwing error quota exceeded. Its is taking much time as expected the error is
Insufficient quota to satisfy the request: Not all instances running in IGM after 55.468294963s. Expected 2, running 1, transitioning 1. Current errors: [GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]: Instance ‘gke-gcp-devops-project-1-default-pool-1dc0b041-58xr’ creation failed: Quota ‘INSTANCES’ exceeded. Limit: 5.0 in region us-west1. please help me

Try creating with 3 nodes instead in only one region.

Yes Its working but now when I am working on cloudbuild to enable API it is throwing a error
You are missing the required permission serviceusage.services.enable on project clgcporg8-079.

Can someone help me how can I get access to cloudbuild in GCP lab