I am unable to choose std B2s type for nodes while creating aks cluster

i am unable to choose std B2s type for nodes while creating aks cluster. i followed below rules:

Cluster preset configuration: prod standar
choose mode : Manual
selected only two nodes for agent pool , user pool deleted
monitoring diabled
rest left by default

but still i am unable to create aks cluster

Use Dev/Test for the cluster preset. You can follow this guide to setup AKS on Azure:
AKS Managed Cluster (github.com)

Even after selecting Dev/Test for cluster preset , error still says not to select B series

I have a different UI to you and mine works:

Please restart the lab.

even after restarting the labs , no luck, i attached all images , did you found any wrong in that

Strange, it should work. I’ll ask the team.

@al1 any update from the team please !!

Not yet - allow a few days for the team to look into this.

Hi Team,

Even I was facing the same issue AKS not allowing the B2s node size in the node pool issue, Could you please help a

Please allow one more day or so for this issue to be fixed.

hi team, I confirm that this issue still exist

I’ve asked the team for an ETA.

Update: I’ve been told it should be done by tomorrow.

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hi, problem is not yet solved

It has been fixed to a point that you can deploy a cluster though I think the team have to make some further modifications. For now you can create an agent pool with Standard_D4s_v3 and 1-2 nodes in auto scaling mode. Manual settings of 1 or more nodes won’t work. Also any VM size other than Standard_D4s_v3 won’t work.

@al1 I choose Standard_D4s_v3 with 1-2 nodes in auto scaling mode. disable all monitor settings. and not set anything else beside this. still not work.

Hi @eden,

Apologies for the problem during the learning. Today, users were able to deploy the AKS cluster with Standard_D4s_v3, but we have reverted the changes that were made today because we have encountered a problem that was causing some problems with the deployment.
Please provide us some time to find the root cause.


Hi @eden ,

Please try when you get a chance. I got an update from the team.


Hi @eden

It appears the issue is resolved. I have managed to deploy a cluster just now using the Standard_D4s_v3

The instructions on the github page have been updated accordingly.