I am not able to create the users and policies in aws

IAM is tightly controlled in the playground.

  • You cannot adjust policy on the kk_labs user
  • You can create a new user as long as the name of the new user starts with iamuser
  • You cannot add policies to a new user that would give more permissions than those held by the kk_labs user (privilege escalation).

I just need to give Amazonec2FullAccess and if creating the user name “iamusersathya” will that fine and it allow me to create the one

You should be able to create that username, but you will only get as much of AmazonEC2FullAccess as is allowed by the overall playground policy - for example you still can’t create an EC2 which exceeds the given policy on size or instance type.

I have been given this task and what is the way i should do to excute it in aws

Ansible Realtime project

Task 1

Create three(3) EC2 instances on AWS using Ansible loops

  • 2 Instances with Ubuntu Distribution
  • 1 Instance with Centos Distribution

Hint: Use connection: local on Ansible Control node.

Task 2

Set up passwordless authentication between Ansible control node and newly created instances.

Task 3

Automate the shutdown of Ubuntu Instances only using Ansible Conditionals

Hint: Use when condition on ansible gather_facts

If this is a task from one of our courses, it should not be asking you to do anything which is not possible given the current playground permissions.

Those instances are fine with the default kk_labs user permission, as long as they’re valid instance types/sizes (e.g. t2.small)

No it is not from the course