I am getting this error @Gilmar Araujo after run export GOPROXY=direct

Prashanth Golla:
I am getting this error @Gilmar Araujo after run export GOPROXY=direct

Alistair Mackay:
export is a Linux/Mac command

For PowerShell run

Set-Item env:GOPROXY -Value direct

Alistair Mackay:
Please note also these things

  1. Mobile phone screen shots are not helpful. You know you can run Slack in a web browser or download Slack for Windows, Then you can copy and paste text from your terminal
  2. When pasting text from terminals or editors, always use code blocks. Please see https://github.com/kodekloudhub/community-faq/blob/main/docs/code-of-conduct.md|this.
  3. Did you read the message from me above your original post?
this is a code block