I am getting error in last question of mock test 1 even I followed all the steps . . .

I am getting error in last question of mock test 1 even I followed all the steps as per solution. Api server is becoming unresponsive, one thing i notice that the path of file is going into next line while updating kube-apiserver.yaml, can this create an issue? Any idea, thanks!

vk nk:
@iNTE you can check the API server logs at path /var/log/pods/kube_system_kubeapi_server/kubeapi_server/

vk nk:
in the above path you will get a file…where api server logs get created

vk nk:
you might be making some config mistake…as its working for me.
In the beginning I faced the same issues…and after digging a bit deeper I got to know it was my mistake

Alistair Mackay:
More detailed instructions on how to debug the api server here

Shwetha Shenoy V:
No. It wont create an issue of the filepath is long. However, incorrect file paths can do that. You can look for apiserver inside /var/log/containers or /var/log/pods to find the logs. If you dont find any logs there, First thing to check would be if the syntax in the admission config file is correct. Then, check the file path that you used is correct. Look for already exisitng volumeMount mapping to some hostPaths. If required, add one volumeMount, volume.

Thanks @vk nk @Alistair Mackay @Shwetha Shenoy V it worked, the config file path was incorrect. Thanks again for helping me troubleshoot.

Trung Tran:
In the exam, you should back up the kube-apiserver.yaml file before modifying it, so in case we failed to solve the error, we can revert it back.