I am facing an issue while deploying worker deployment

Hi Team, I am facing an issue while deploying worker deployment: Using example-voting-app/worker-app-deploy.yaml at master · kodekloudhub/example-voting-app · GitHub

Warning BackOff 23s (x48 over 10m) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container:

Type Reason Age From Message

Normal Scheduled 10m default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/worker-deployment-69968cb55b-mdbcl to gke-archt-default-pool-85ac1a95-f20t
Normal Pulled 9m13s (x5 over 10m) kubelet Container image “kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker:v1” already present on machine
Normal Created 9m13s (x5 over 10m) kubelet Created container worker-app
Normal Started 9m13s (x5 over 10m) kubelet Started container worker-app
Warning BackOff 23s (x48 over 10m) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container

Please help me

Ayush Sahu
[email protected]

Hi @ayushsahu.pro

In the postgres-deploy.yaml file you can try changing the container postgres image to use its ver 9.4 that is change image: postgres to image: postgres:9.4 and apply the changes using kubectl apply -f postgres-deploy.yaml

It will work fine after doing the change!

Have a good day ahead!

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