How to install java 13

Hello Kodekloud,

I am referring to Java introduction lab question 6 ,
After unzipping, a directory name jdk-13.0.2 got created,
How to install java from here ?

Thank you ,

Hi @Abhi623
Check the full solution below :

It doesn’t work for me.

sudo wget

sudo tar -xvf openjdk-13.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz -C /opt/

/opt/jdk-13.0.2/bin/java --version

Also did a chmod on the folder to give full rights, still didn’t help.

Hi @c410n

Please try this: Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 13 - Examples Java Code Geeks - 2023

Thank you.

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We can’t install Java 20 . we’re being asked to install java 22 and we can’t do that.

What are you referring to? This thread is nearly 4 years old.

Hi, i know it’s old but i just started the course yesterday. I managed to do it but we can’t do it in the lab because the question its regarding java 20 and we can’t install that from what i se3.

Do you have a link to the lab?

I have completed the task of installing Java 20 without issue. Where are you stuck?