How to access an IP on browser for any deployment in Kubernetes playground Lab

I have been testing one ArgoCD deployment on a single node K8s cluster playground. But when i want to access the ArgoCD UI interface in browser via NodePort service, like in our local machine we do generally, then from where can i open it in browser in playground? Is there any option? There should be some option right. Otherwise how can we test??

Thanks for the answer in advance.

Hi @shubhamsingh240 ,

You can use the toggle button and add the port number expose; he’ll open the brownser with correct link

Capture d’écran du 2023-04-06 20-05-01

Hi @mmkmou ,
Thanks for your answer.

But it asks for port only. How can we provide the IP also on which node port service is exposed?

Hi @shubhamsingh240

No need to provide an IP, just the port is enough. You need to use the port you export on NodePort service.


PS : We’ve a Argo CD playground, you can use it for your test. GitHub - kodekloudhub/learning-app-ecommerce: A sample e-commerce learning app

Hi @mmkmou ,

So you mean no need for IP here on which the service exposed?