How does Review action of Tasks work?

I Have been assigned with some few tasks to perform review action. I have reviewed one task and updated my response.

How to complete these Tasks?

Please assist!!!

please assist me on this

Hi @thapaswiprathipati,

Thanks for asking your query. I forwarded your concern to the KKE team. They will respond to you.


These are not the main tasks assigned to you.

Your assigned tasks are present under the “Curriculum” page.

Whatever tasks are available under the “Task Review” page have been sent by other KKE members. If you can help them, please feel free to comment on their tasks.

If your comment helps them, they can select your comment as a solution, and you’ll get some additional points, which will help you gain some experience and achieve your next role.

The above explanation will help you understand some of the flow of the process. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask.


Thank you for providing much clarity on this @Tej-Singh-Rana ;