How can I troubleshoot this. Weave net deployed, even after 20 minutes, check sh . . .

Brian Gumisiriza:
How can I troubleshoot this. Weave net deployed, even after 20 minutes, check shows nothing is deployed @unnivkn if you can assist

root@controlplane:~# kubectl apply -f "<$(kubectl> version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
serviceaccount/weave-net configured
<|> configured
<|> configured
<|> configured
<|> configured
daemonset.apps/weave-net configured

Pods in the Kube-system shows the is a CrashLoopBack

kube-system   weave-net-vh2j4                        1/2     CrashLoopBackOff    5          5m10s

krishnakumar venkatesan [KV]:
i can see the pod is getting restart , check the logs and share the same hereā€¦ also share the describe option too

Brian Gumisiriza:
Thanks @krishnakumar venkatesan [KV] Though today when I woke up, I deployed the same and it worked. Seems yesterday something was wrong with the labs