How can i access kubernetes api from pod in V1.25

Hi folks,
as we know in v1.25 there is a token auto-attach process that is a little bit changed.
so if I create a ServiceAccount secret-reader in Namespace hamster. Create a Pod of image curlimages/curl:7.65.3 named tmp-api-contact which uses this ServiceAccount.

I did the same thing
I create SA then i create a secret as we need to manually attach the token to SA

then I got a token that is attached to my SA
but now from the pod
I am not able to access anything

Hello @abhineetsaxena05,

Can you share all manifest files here?


sure @trung-kodekloud
this is the step that I followed

then I go into the pod and run k8s API like so
but when i interact with k8s with API i got 403

Hi @abhineetsaxena05

You do not need to create a secret in 1.24+. Only create a service account:

k create sa build-robot-sa

And use it in the pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: null
    run: test-pod
  name: test-pod
  serviceAccount: build-robot-sa
  - image: curlimages/curl:7.65.3
    name: test-pod
    - sleep
    - "3600"

Exec into the pod, and find the token (which is a bearer token)

k exec -it test-pod -- sh
cat /var/run/secrets/

Of course, you will need to create a role with some permissions and bind it to the service account before you can do anything useful.

To use the token with curl

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" https://kubernetes.default.svc/api/...

okay, that makes sense!
so this is mean when I create SA it is having no role
but can I get to know what role is applied to the default service account?

The default SA has no role assigned to it. If you need to give a pod API server permissions, you should always create a specific SA for the pod, and bind your own custom roles to it.