Hi there, while upgrading kubeadm can we install kubeadm kubectl kubelet in the . . .

Rana Durlabh Bharti:
Hi there,
while upgrading kubeadm
can we install kubeadm kubectl kubelet in the same command
or is it necessary to first install kubeadm and then kubelet and kubectl
{NOT asking for production env.}

You’d normally install kubeadm and run kubeadm upgrade before you update kubelet.

From the package manager’s point of view you install all packages together using the same command, but your kubelet would not match the cluster version until you upgraded it. I’ve never done it this way, therefore can’t advise on what might happen.

Santosh Kaluskar:
For upgrading the cluster After updating the packages using apt-get update you can run the command to install all the utilities with specified version No.

apt-get install kubeadm=1.2x.xx-xx kubelet=1.2x.xx-xx Kubectl=1.2x.xx-xx

you can use --allow-change-held-packages for updating marked packages like

apt-get install --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=1.2x.xx-xx kubelet=1.2x.xx-xx Kubectl=1.2x.xx-xx -y

Rana Durlabh Bharti:
@Lisenet @Santosh Kaluskar @mjv thanks for reply. It really helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Rana Durlabh Bharti this k8s doc have all the information that you are looking for: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade/