Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth / team - I am following the Kubernetes demo of setting up . . .

Chitresh Das:
Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth / team - I am following the Kubernetes demo of setting up cluster using kubeadm. Facing below issue. Will appreciate help.

• We need to configure config.toml so that containerd uses systemd as cgroup driver. But there is no such file as “config.toml” at /etc/containerd directory. Infact there is no such directory.
• I did try using “sudo find / -type f -name config.toml” it provided directory “/usr/bin/” which has the containerd executable and “/usr/share/doc/containerd/rootless.md” which has the string “config.yaml” in it.
• Not able to locate the file. Below is the status of containerd via systemd

Alistair Mackay:

You need to get containerd to create this file so you can then edit it.

sudo -i
mkdir -p /etc/containerd
containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml
vi /etc/containerd/config.toml

Find the line SystemdCgroup = false and edit it to SystemdCgroup = true, save and exit then

systemctl restart containerd