Hi I used the Kompose tool to convert the docker-compose file to K8s manifest bu . . .

Praneeth TT:
Hi I used the Kompose tool to convert the docker-compose file to K8s manifest but It’s not converting properly, can anyone help me I’ll share a sample compose service script if someone can convert that to K8s manifest that wld be great coz I can use that as refrence for the rest of my services to convert.

        container_name: dd-server
            context: ./backend
                GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN?:Variable not set}
                INSTALL_DEV_PACKAGES: "true"
            dockerfile: ./server/Dockerfile
            - .env
            - ./backend/server/app:/app/app
            - ./backend/server/tests:/app/tests
            - ./backend/server/alembic:/app/alembic
            - ./backend/server/config.yml:/app/config.yml
            - ./features.yml:/app/features.yml
            - ./backend/dependencies/ranker:/dependencies/ranker
            - "${SERVER_PORT:-80}:80"
        command: /start-reload.sh
            - postgres
            - redis
            - elasticsearch
        restart: unless-stopped

Hi @Praneeth TT first you have to build your Docker image. If you use any arguments in the above code to build it, use that directly in your Dockerfile. The next task is to create your pod/deployment based on that image. If you use any env variables, volumes, ports, commands etc in the new pod/deployment similar like above code, then use that in your dd-server k8s yaml. Make sure you deploy your postgres, redis, elasticserach pods/deployments separately before you deploy your new dd-server pod/deployment.