Hi i need small information its multi-cluster is dependent on the kubeconfig fil . . .

Hi i need small information its multi-cluster is dependent on the kubeconfig file is it right? in the kubeconfig file only we decide how many clusters have right?

Al West:
I think you might be confusing kubeconfig files with something else. These files are used to configure the kubectl client to access one or more clusters.

how can we find out its multi-clusters or not, in the kubeconfig file only know

Al West:
Multi cluster to me means more than one cluster, but you can only use kubectl with one cluster at a time.

Al West:
Do you mean if the cluster has more than one worker node?

Roi B:
Yes kubeconfig file is what gives you access to multiple clusters.

no, means a multicluster configure in side kubeconfig file only know

Roi B:
kubectl config get-clusters will show you all the available clusters for the current kubeconfig. Or you can view the kubeconfig file yourself.

means kubeconfig file will decide how many clusters have right?

Roi B:
It decides what clusters you have access to, it doesn’t create clusters on its own.

Roi B:
For that you use kubeadm or another tool.

Roi B:
Read this documentation page: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-access-multiple-clusters/

Roi B:
Also watch Mumshad’s videos on the topic of kubeconfig.