HI, I have some question about ingress topic, How it's works in the lab? We have . . .

HI, I have some question about ingress topic, How it’s works in the lab? We have a ingress controller that has a service type node Port in a namespace called “X” but another hand We have an ingress and the apps in another namespace “X1” so what is the flow, I understand that the request enters in the service port and the ingress controller (namescape X) constantly aware or updated of new ingress being configured in kubernetes in multiples namespaces and redirect the request to the correct ingress is that correct?

Alistair Mackay:
If there is only one default ingress nginx controller in the cluster, all ingress resources in all namespaces will use it.

For multiple ingress controllers (unlikely in exam), then IngressClass resources must be defined to associate an ingress resource with a particular ingress controller.

thanks for your answer

Hi @Sergio fyr: