Hi, I have created a pod ``` k run nginx --image nginx ``` and i have create . . .

hi, I have created a pod

k run nginx --image nginx

and i have created a Node port svc:

k expose po nginx --name svc-nginx --port 80 --type NodePort

and when I run get svc I have :

svc-nginx    NodePort   <none>        80:32024/TCP   8s

but when I do curl like this it is not working, why? :

curl svc-nginx:32024

Aditya Samant: is the ClusterIP and can be accessed from within the cluster only.
To use NodePort, you need to use the IP of your node.

Use this command
kubectl get node -o wide

Then use the IP of any of the nodes (controlplane or worker) with the NodePort

curl :32024

thanks it works:+1: