Hi i am unable to connect to ec2 instance

i am getting above error. How to resolve this?

How are you trying to connect to the instance? Typically the error messages are literally correct – that you are using the wrong key pair, or you haven’t configured the instance right.

HI, i have been used sandbox many times. created and connected to ec2 like i normally connect. Once please see the screenshots that i have attached.
if any misttake i am doing while connecting, Please let me know.

is my aws credentials not correct?? if so how can i connect to aws console itself?

Hi @Dineshkumarreddy-Man ,

Thanks for highlighting this. I have forwarded this to the concerned team. They are looking into it.
In the meantime, please use the SSH method to connect instances.


Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana I am geting error for every service. I am unable to create User nor unable to give permissions for Iam user. I learning aws terraform kuberetes etc but this issue with AWS sanbox is making me not move forward in my learning.

attaching Screenshots for the reference. Please do the needful

Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana

Hi Dinesh Kumar, Thanks for raising the concern, In AWS Playgorund we have restricted the creation user, But you can check the IAM Lab where u are allowed to create users assigned permissions and roles to users

hey Danish
everything is fine buddy ,
the only thing is you don’t have the permission from admin.