Hi, how do we upgrade a cluster to different version if kubeadm package is not . . .

Hi, how do we upgrade a cluster to different version if kubeadm package is not found

Alistair Mackay:
kubeadm should be present on any lab or exam environment that would require you to use it.
Otherwise it’s available in your distro’s package repository.
You should only need to install it when a question is asking you to upgrade the kubernetes version - and then you’re installing the newer version over the older one.

On Ubuntu, the following should be sufficient

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y kubeadm-1.vv.m-00

where vv is the minor version like 20, and m is the patch like 1

so for 1.20.1 it is

sudo apt install -y kubeadm-1.20.1-00

Thank you