Hi Guys qq: My plan is just to take CKA. If I just pass CKA exam, Is there anyth . . .

Hi Guys
qq: My plan is just to take CKA. If I just pass CKA exam, Is there anything left in terms of knowledge for ckad exam? Actually I dont want to take CKAD exam considering the fact that CKAD is subset of CKA. I may be wrong, please enlighten me.

Marwan Tawashi:
Hi Sam, there is no harm in taking CKAD,most of the topics in CKA will be covered in CKAD inaddition to some concepts like multi containers pods patterns

okay… but it includes money :slightly_smiling_face: . thanks anyways.

btw what should be taken first cka or ckad? @Marwan Tawashi

chris resnik:
> considering the fact that CKAD is subset of CKA
this is not a 100% true

chris resnik:
the focus of CKA and CKAD is different

okay @chris resnik. thanks

and which one to take first @chris resnik

chris resnik:
depends on your goal…. you said your goal is take CKA, then go for CKA