Subrata Biswas:
Hi Guys, I have a question , if I am asked to list and save inside file like it is in mock tests, should I ommit the header with --no-headers switch , sometime you might need to use custome-column options based on what is asked then header will be there for reason , what would be best option to get the answer right with column header or without column header
Mostly you will get an answer format in the question itself. eg: namespace/podname etc.
Subrata Biswas:
Subrata Biswas:
Hi one more question , if we are asked to do etcd backup and restore in exam, will we be able to log into to master nodes to do that ?
Subrata Biswas:
Also is there a chance, that in the exam we might have environment where etcd is running as seperate cluster and we will have restore in that ?