Hi for the lightening lab_1, Create a redis deployment with the following param . . .

Hi for the lightening lab_1,

Create a redis deployment with the following parameters:
Name of the deployment should be redis using the redis:alpine image. It should have exactly 1 replica.
The container should request for .2 CPU. It should use the label app=redis.
It should mount exactly 2 volumes.
a. An Empty directory volume called data at path /redis-master-data.
b. A configmap volume called redis-config at path /redis-master.
c. The container should expose the port 6379.
The configmap has already been created.

There was no configmap existing, I created one and then created the redis deployment with the below yaml definition file. Though deployment is created successfully, it marks as incorrect.

Could you please let me know what is incorrect?

Can you do a kubectl get deploy redis -o yaml and paste here?

> A configmap volume called redis-config
You called the volume log-vol . Not sure if that’s the reason.

log-vol works. I am not sure what was wrong, but I started the lab again and created redis deployment by using the same definition file. This time it worked.