Hi Folks, Has anyone tried to install Ansible on docker container and also coupl . . .

Vinuthan Raju:
Hi Folks,
Has anyone tried to install Ansible on docker container and also couple of target nodes on Mac M1?
Managed install Ansible, however when i run ansible target_nodes -m ping -i /etc/ansible/hosts i get below message:
There are two target nodes in the hosts file entry but its only been able to ping one node successfully.
If someone has come across this situation, would really appreciate how did you manage to get through it.
Also if you need more info on my setup i can provide it as well.

Al West:
Can you paste your inventory? Preferably as text in a code block.

Vinuthan Raju:
@Al West
Apologies for the delay in responding
Please find the inventory as requested.

root@86337702f196:/etc/ansible# cat hosts 
node1 ansible_host= ansible_user=admin ansible_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa

node2 ansible host= ansible_user=admin ansible_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa

Al West:
You are missing the underscore in ansible_host on line 4

Vinuthan Raju:
@Al West thank you it worked for me.