Hi Everyone, Trying write a Terraform script to data events in DynamoDB in Cloud . . .

Balasubramanian Senthilkumar:
Hi Everyone,
Trying write a Terraform script to data events in DynamoDB in Cloudtrail. I’m able to get data events for individual tables when arn:aws:dynamodb:<region>:<account number>:table/<table name> for a specific DynamoDB table, but while using arn:aws:dynamodb for all DDB events for all tables within an account. below is the code block that i’m using.

  advanced_event_selector {
    field_selector {
      field   = "resources.ARN"
      equals  = ["arn:aws:dynamodb"]


This input ARN is not recording any data events for any dynamoDB tables… I tried to pass multiple arn list in the equals and was able to get the all table events… If you all have some suggestions, please let me know. TIA

Alistair Mackay:
No table ARN equals arn:aws:dynamodb so of course you will get nothing!

I haven’t used this resource, but looking at the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awscloudtrail/latest/APIReference/API_AdvancedFieldSelector.html|documentation, you can probably use starts_with and specify more of the ARN i.e

arn:aws:<region>:<account number>:table/

without a table name

Balasubramanian Senthilkumar:
Hi @Alistair Mackay Thanks for inputs…
In terraform documentation, its mentioned that we can use quals = ["arn:aws:dynamodb"] for getting event logs all the tables in the AWS account.

And yes, I tried to use starts with, thing is all the tables name are not having common prefix.:(… We can use starts with selector only once… It didn’t help.

Deepak Kumar:
here in field selector you have used field as resources.ARN may this could be the reason I think you should try
field: “resources.type”
equals: [

Balasubramanian Senthilkumar:
Yeah, have this field selector in the code… Once you pass type, there should be ARN passed along with it.
arn:aws:dynamodb:<region>:<account number>:table/<table name>

field_selector {
      field  = "eventCategory"
      equals = ["Data"]
    field_selector {
      field  = "eventName"
      equals = ["PutItem", "DeleteItem", "UpdateItem"]
    field_selector {
      field  = "resources.type"
      equals = ["AWS::DynamoDB::Table"]
    # field_selector {
    #   field = "resources.ARN"
    #   equals = var.ddb_tables_list[terraform.workspace]
    # }

Deepak Kumar:
yes this seems to be fine as you commented the ARN part then it should work now.

Balasubramanian Senthilkumar:
Thanks @Deepak Kumar