Hi everyone! This is my first post (or whatever is called in slack... :p). I was . . .

Carlos F.:
Hi everyone! This is my first post (or whatever is called in slack… :p). I was able to finish the Backup and Restore practice, but in the last task, when restoring the backup, the etcd pod is not shown with kubectl get pods -A, but it is actually running (and seen with docker ps). In he solution video it it shown with kubectl get pods -A. I understood from previous lessons that kube-apiserver is aware of static pods when deployed in a k8s cluster. I think I followed the same steps and commands. What am I missing? Is this expected? Thanks!!

You may have been too quick to check. Try after a min. It should show up.

Ashutosh Mathur:
Sometimes you have to delete the pod and let it retart again

Hi @Carlos F. If the etcd pod is not coming up with in 1-2 min, you can try to relocate it to another folder & bring it back to original location.
eg: mv /etc/kubernetes/manifest/etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes
mv /etc/kubernetes/etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifest/etcd.yaml
k -n kube-system get po

Carlos F.:
Thanks everyone for your replies. etcd pod was coming up, along with the deployments, but it was not shown in the output of kubectl get pods -n kube-system. But it was there, as everything else was running fine and it was present in docker ps.
Today I tried the lab again, following the same steps, and the etcd pod was visible in kubectl get pods… strange, but never mind. Thanks anyway!!