Hi Everyone, I have been working on this Readiness Lab: <https://kodekloud.com/t . . .

Rohit sachdeva:
Hi Everyone,
I have been working on this Readiness Lab:

Traffic is being passed to 2 different Pods, so i was thinking there might be a Load Balancer service in there, which is doing it.
But i just see a NodePord service, what i am missing here, shouldn’t there be a Load Balancer service to do this.
How is the traffic getting routed to 2 different pods without it.

Alistair Mackay:
A Kubernetes service (of any type) provides load balancing to all the pods associated with it. The service distributes the traffic evenly between all pods.

A load balancer service provisions an external load balancer (e.g. AWS ALB) so that you don not have to expose node ports to the internet (bad practice). These services only work on clusters where you have an external load balancer provisioner - which is a deployment you run in the cluster that you can download from your cloud provider.

If you try to create a service of type loadbalancer without an LB provisioner, it will never receive an external IP.

Rohit sachdeva:
Thankyou Alistair