Hi @everone Adding liveness and readiness probe in my 'app-deployment.yaml' crea . . .

Hi @everone
Adding liveness and readiness probe in my ‘app-deployment.yaml’ creates error in pod, and pod fails, can any one help please:

Swapnil S:
Containerport and port in liveness and readiness is wrong

Hi @Swapnil S - I made the readiness and liveness probe port as 8080 which is same as container port - still getting the same issue:

Your probes are failing with 404. That means your url has some issue. Either your port is incorrect or the path that you provided in the probe doent exist.

Hi @Shwetha - should I provide the path which I use for my rest API ?

It is better to use a simple small request for healthcheck. Some url where you hit and get a 200 OK, if the request hits the server successfully. Bulky responses delay the probe.

Hi @Shwetha - You mean create a helthcheck REST call rather than Liveness and Readiness probe.

Simple HTTP GET request that returns no response body, just a 200 OK is good enough.