Hi all Is there any command that I can run on linux terminal to find out my cont . . .

Alloyd Savio Mendonca:
Hi all
Is there any command that I can run on linux terminal to find out my container runtime type

Trung Tran:
docker inspect {container_id} | grep Runtime

Shwetha Shenoy V:
If you already have a k8s cluster, then you could also do k get no -o wide

Alloyd Savio Mendonca:
I am talking about a situation where there is only a node and not cluster. You can take a vm for instance

Ramkumar Nagaraj:
check which container binary is installed like docker, crio,containerd.

Aneek Bera:

Alloyd Savio Mendonca:
@Ramkumar Nagaraj Sorry, but can you be little more specific

Hi @Alloyd Savio Mendonca if docker is your runtime, then you will get an output for docker ps, similar way crictl ps

Chris Tijerina:
Maybe try: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/migrating-from-dockershim/find-out-runtime-you-use/

“kubectl get nodes-o wide” and you should see a runtime column. I’m new at this…forgive if wrong. :wink:
