HI, all i was learning LFCSA and i came across a concept , which is a symboling . . .

Someone Nice:
HI, all i was learning LFCSA and i came across a concept , which is a symboling and hard link which is essentially a file pointing to another file in a different location and i was browsing around in my machine and came across files that was poing to an ip address, in chrome files and when i look for that ip address file i can’t find it, can any volunteer explain what that means a symbolic link pointing to an ip address

Kalesha Gagguturu:

"106.0.5249.119" is not an IP address – as the file name suggests, it is a version number of Chrome in the "major.minor.build.revision" format

May be go through this article which can give some idea for the same

Aaron Lockhart:
@Someone Nice: That isn’t an IP address. It’s the version of Chrome (note that the third set of numbers has four digits).

Someone Nice:
that right. i actually noticed that the the third column of that number has more than three digits which denotes that it not an ip address but at the same time that symbolic link point to chrome version , whats that thing its pointing too. how would you describe it? and thanks for clarifying .

Aaron Lockhart:
It’s a pointer that Chrome is using to keep up with its own version number internally. I can’t really say why Google chose to do it that way.

Someone Nice:
thanks you so much Aaron this very brief.