Hi @Alistair Mackay I am trying the procedure, however seems like the pods keep . . .

Hi @Alistair Mackay I am trying the procedure, however seems like the pods keep restarting (etcd/kube-apiserver/kube-proxy/kube-controller-manager/kube-scheduler). This can be seen by looking at the number of attempts. I looked at the etcd logs and can see failure to connect error. Any idea?

CONTAINER           IMAGE               CREATED              STATE               NAME                      ATTEMPT             POD ID              POD
5ba6a52ff6a3a       aebe758cef4cd       7 seconds ago        Running             etcd                      9                   3e9ffb2e2e013       etcd-ip-10-10-10-19
2186b30d1bcf3       3a5aa3a515f5d       27 seconds ago       Exited              kube-scheduler            11                  88e73292b4c65       kube-scheduler-ip-10-10-10-19
062b19f948cb9       d521dd763e2e3       53 seconds ago       Exited              kube-apiserver            9                   7ce2874545775       kube-apiserver-ip-10-10-10-19
a73c66dce1ce6       586c112956dfc       About a minute ago   Exited              kube-controller-manager   6                   2efa2637ccd12       kube-controller-manager-ip-10-10-10-19
32586ebc6ed7b       2ae1ba6417cbc       About a minute ago   Exited              kube-proxy                8                   1e4ca0c4ae706       kube-proxy-5mwpm
c234a59316ca4       aebe758cef4cd       3 minutes ago        Exited              etcd                      8                   1c34efb49fa99       etcd-ip-10-10-10-19

 crictl logs da8b9cff033ae 
WARNING: 2022/10/09 14:13:11 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to { <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused". Reconnecting...
WARNING: 2022/10/09 14:13:11 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to { <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused". Reconnecting...

Alistair Mackay:
The logs look like API server can’t connect to etcd.
etcd is also restarting, so you have to fix etcd first before anything else will work

Exactly i am wonderinf what would prevent them being on the same host

Nitish Patni:
Chk if any firewall service or selinux is imposed…if so kindly disable and do chk again

Are you able to telnet on 2379 ? Whats the output of netstat

Alistair Mackay:
@Nitish Patni Note from the above container list that the etcd pod is not happy - it restarted 8 times in 3 minutes. It’s not going to be listening if it can’t start properly hence 2379 is closed.

The problem is i have no idea how to proceed…been stuck for 4 days trying to get a cluster up

If anyone can help will be very grateful

I am good now. Thanks team! I ended up trying this procedure which worked for me https://medium.com/cp-massive-programming/setting-up-a-kubernetes-1-23-cluster-using-kubeadm-on-3-ubuntu-severs-7372d033828f