Hey! I finally made it and pass the LFCS exam. 🙂 For sure . . .

Jarosław Bagnicki:
Hey! I finally made it and pass the LFCS exam. :slightly_smiling_face: For sure I wasn’t be possible without covering https://kodekloud.com/courses/linux-foundation-certified-system-administrator-lfcs/ course. Especially mock exams were really good preparation on the final mile before taking an exam. Great kudos to @Aaron Lockhart and everyone from @kode kloud who participated in the course creation. :clap:

Tej Singh Rana:
Wow, many congratulations, @Jarosław Bagnicki :partying_face:

Ruhinda Benjamin:
Congratulations @Jarosław Bagnicki on passing the LFCS Exam.

I’m looking forward to taking the exam latter this month any tips ??

Aaron Lockhart:
Congratulations, @Jarosław Bagnicki!

Jarosław Bagnicki:
@Ruhinda Benjamin 2h isn’t plenty of time if you don’t work with Linux as admin on everyday basis as me. During an exam I skipped 3 task and there wasn’t enough time to return them. I was little worried about final result but fortunately I passed it. As I mentioned above mock exams in KodeKloud course mimic well real exam.

Ruhinda Benjamin:
Ok, I regularly practice the mock exams to see if I can finish every mock within 1 hour or less.

This helps to improve speed and see quickly where you have gaps, so that you can go back to those session and revise those topics. I try to consistently interact with LFCS Course mocks and labs more before sitting for exam.

Thank you very much for the tip.

Jarosław Bagnicki:
Good luck @Ruhinda Benjamin :crossed_fingers:

Ruhinda Benjamin:
Thanks @Jarosław Bagnicki :pray:

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Congratulations @Jarosław Bagnicki!! Awesome job!

Jarosław Bagnicki:
Thanks, @Mumshad Mannambeth! hen I will be preparing for CKAD certification the next year I take KloudKoude’s preparation course for sure :slightly_smiling_face:

Delighted to have passed my Lfcs exam today, thanks to Pass4surexams for the guidance!