Hey guys, how would you proceed if you are asked to make an etcd backup and you . . .

Alexander Meise:
Hey guys, how would you proceed if you are asked to make an etcd backup and you are provided a copy of the certificates in let’s say “node01” and the etcd pod is running on “node02”. etcdctl is installed only in node01. Would you install etcdctl in node02 and scp the backup back to node01 ? is this a viable path? or would you try to perform the backup from node01 (when i was doing a test, that didnt work for me)

Alexander Meise:
i mean, can you run etcdctl against an endpoint that is not local ?..if you pass the certificates… is that enough?

Vitor Jr.:
yes, you can run against an endpoint isn’t local. At the documentation if I’m not wrong the example is with a remote ip

Vitor Jr.: