Help Needed: Installing ArgoCD on Ubuntu (K3s Cluster) Without Internet Access

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a K3s cluster deployed on an Ubuntu 22.04 server that does not have Internet access, and I’d like to install ArgoCD in this offline environment.

After some research, I understand that this will likely require downloading the necessary dependencies and files in advance.

Could anyone provide a tutorial or detailed steps to achieve this? Here are a few specifics about my setup and needs:

  • The K3s cluster is already up and running, but it has no access to the Internet.
  • I can download the required files from another machine with Internet access and transfer them to the server.
  • I’d also like guidance on configuring ArgoCD to work in a fully offline setup.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

I don’t have any particular experience doing this, but I did find this issue in ArgoCD’s issue queue. Good luck!