Hello @Vijin Palazhi @Mumshad Mannambeth, in the Practice test cluster installat . . .

Nachi Muthu:
hello @Vijin Palazhi @Mumshad Mannambeth, in the Practice test cluster installation using kubeadm the last question asks us to deploy a flannel networking solution, but in the current version of the document it si not available anywhere.
But the flannel installation steps are available at https://v1-17.docs.kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/#pod-network. Are we allowed to use this URL as it is a subdomain of http://docs.kubernetes.io|docs.kubernetes.io ?

Usually deploying a network solution is not asked… You can check this here https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/tc-docs/certification/tips-cka-and-ckad

Nachi Muthu:
Thank you @Tharanath, and also I noticed most of the clusters available during the exam uses flannel as its network solution, is there any difference between flannel and weave-net ? like identifying the pod CIDR or finding the configuration for the flannel pods and things like that

finding pod cidr and configuration are similar… Each plugin that implements the CNI specification tries to address different aspects of networking.

@Nachi Muthu looks like v1-17 should be allowed in the exam, just go to https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/ page & try to change the Doc version. you can see similar page. see below:

once I select V1.19

Nachi Muthu:
thank you @unnivkn @Tharanath