Kaushik KM:
Hello Team,
I am new to Jenkins Pipeline, we have existing Jenkinfiles in our Infra and i was going through them to understand some.
What does the below mean ? How do we know what are all the different class i can use in my jenkins ? where do i find the list ?
$class: 'ParameterSeparatorDefinition'
Al West:
So that class is from a plugin, you will have to refer to the plugin documentation to find out those functions. You may also find this reference useful for pipeline steps:
Kaushik KM:
Thank you!!
1)How do i know which Plugin it came from ?
2)Is there a way i can extract all the class names that i can use from my jenkins ?
3) Example - https://plugins.jenkins.io/blueocean/ – for the BlueOean plugin, where do i find its classes ? and different operations under each class ?
Al West:
Blue Ocean is a UI Plugin, I don’t think there are classes for it. You would have to look at each plugin and it’s documentation.
Kaushik KM:
Consider this example : https://plugins.jenkins.io/parameter-separator/
For this plugin – where do i find the list of classes ?
Al West:
Actually on the page:
On the right hand side are Links
and under this is Javadoc
which takes you to the link I found via google
Kaushik KM:
Oh thank you!! That helps!