Hello , team can any one help me to resolve this below error ``` ERROR! 'vars_f . . .

Hello , team can any one help me to resolve this below error

ERROR! 'vars_file' is not a valid attribute for a Play

Tim Carter:
It looks like you are trying to use the vars_file attribute in a Play in Ansible, but this attribute is not a valid option.
In ansible, a Play is a block of code that defines a set of tasks to be executed on a specific host or group of hosts. The vars_file attribute is not a valid option for a Play. Instead, you can use the vars attribute to specify variables for a Play. For example:

- name: Create S3 bucket
  hosts: localhost
    bucket_name: my-s3-bucket
    - name: Create S3 bucket
        name: "{{ bucket_name }}"
        region: us-east-1

This Play will create an S3 bucket with the name specified in the bucket_name variable.
If you want to use variables stored in a separate file, you can use the include_vars module to load the variables into your playbook. For example:

- name: Load variables from file
    file: vars/my-variables.yml

- name: Create S3 bucket
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Create S3 bucket
        name: "{{ bucket_name }}"
        region: "{{ region }}"

This will load the variables stored in vars/my-variables.yml and use them in the task to create the S3 bucket.

@Tim Carter Thanks for your inputs

Santosh Kaluskar:
It’s vars_files if I am not mistaken.