Hello Sir, I am working to build website for lear docker deployment. I have cr . . .

pratikesh surve:
Hello Sir,

I am working to build website for lear docker deployment.

I have created website in WordPress and MySQL images on my local machine.

i created yml file for and run docker compose command . website is working on my local machine.

How i can deploy it to aws ec2?

what are easiest way to create local environments and then deployment to server after testing website?

Al West:
A better way would be to use lightsail:

pratikesh surve:
website already done on local machine

Al West:
You can just lift and shift your containers to an EC2 instance if you like.

pratikesh surve:
this is my local machine

pratikesh surve:
website also ready to launch. but stuck to deploy this to ec2

Al West:
Stuck where?

pratikesh surve:
deployment from local website to ec2

Al West:
you should be able to dump the database and import on the EC2 instance

pratikesh surve:
you mean,

i wanna take wordpress and mysql new image to ec2 and just need to change db in mysql image.

pratikesh surve:
Will it run?

Al West:
You can just copy the volume if you prefer:

pratikesh surve:
got it Sir, Thanks