Yogesh Sethi:
Hello @Mumshad Mannambeth , while doing backup and restore lab for CKA. I am successfully able to take backup of etcd and restore it . But etcd-controller show in pending state . In order to move it to running state , i deleted the etcd pod as suggested , but its forever went to “Terminating state” and not getting killed. Please see attached screenshots. Is something i am doing wrong here. Deployments, pods and services came online after backup was restore.
Hi @Yogesh Sethi could you please try this: relocate etcd.yaml to different directory & then bring it back to the original directory
Aneek Bera:
hv u changed the host path in etc/kubernetes/manifest
etcd.yaml file?
Yogesh Sethi:
@Aneek Bera yes i have changed that
Yogesh Sethi:
@unnivkn - this trick worked…i moved the etcd yaml file to other directory and made changes, delete the pod and move back file to /etc/kubernetes/manifest and it worked
@Yogesh Sethiwe are just trying to stop etcd & restart it. For that you have to relocate it & bring it back to original location.